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Britz (NO)
20. marts // 19:00 - 23:30
We’re thrilled to announce that the Norwegian hip-hop sensation Britz will be performing at Volume Village this March – 2025.
By challenging and exploring multiple identities, Britz has consistently delivered heavy yet sensitive rap that strikes a chord and bears witness to multiple cultures intersecting – and succeeding.

It is exactly this mix of cultures that makes the hard-hitting, flowing hip-hop of Britz unforgettable.
The new sound of Britz fuses elements from melodic Ghanaian gospel, bone-chilling modern hip-hop and several analogue instruments in the mix both on and off stage to create an eclectic and comprehensive soundscape, representative of everything Britz is; a winner, a fellow human being, a brother, a son, a social worker and a storyteller. And everything is done independently, in a music industry that is dynamic and constantly changing. The music is difficult to pigeonhole, and embraces a wide range of sounds and themes – but most of all, it tells stories from growing up, guides the young and honors the cultural background of the rapper, who turns 30 this year.
By building bridges and opening up completely, Britz wants to reach all the way into listeners, and inspire. On stage, you will be able to see both fellow musicians and the visuals taking part in the narration of Britz’s story.
In 2024, everyone is invited to the new Britz. The sound is intense, dramatic and emotionally complex – but it is delivered with the same smile and twinkle in the eye that the rapper (who has collaborated with Norwegian greats such as Isah and Jonas Benyoub) has really become known for.


Tickets via Ticket Master:


20. marts
19:00 - 23:30


Volume Village
Thomas Koppels Gade 201
Aarhus C, 8000 Denmark
+ Google Maps
+45 4160 6076


Volume Village
22 90 49 14
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