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Concert #5 Danish New Music Academy | Free
6. juli // 19:30 - 21:00

Concert #5 is the grand finale of the academy as the musician participants present brand new music created by the composer participants. The concert is a celebration of the community created over the previous days, featuring 6 world premieres in a tour-de-force of creativity.



About Danish New Music Academy:
Danish New Music Academy gathers together 6 composers and 6 musicians from around the world for 6 intense, creative, disruptive days of music making. The 12 participants, alongside the DNMA staff and invited guests Aksiom (NO), create a community together over the course of the academy, exploring any and every way of making experimental music: electronic, performance, acoustic, theatrical – everything is on the table. Five concerts will be presented during the week: the first three at Institut for (X) between the 1st and 3rd of July, and the last two at Volume Village on the 4th and 5th July.



A huge thanks to:
Art Music Denmark · Augustinus Fonden ·Hoffmann og Husmands Fond · Knud Højgaards Fond · Politiken Fonden · Statens Kunstfond · Toyota Fonden · William Demant Fonden · Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium


6. juli
19:30 - 21:00


Volume Village
Thomas Koppels Gade 201
Aarhus C, 8000 Denmark
+ Google Maps
+45 4160 6076


Volume Village
22 90 49 14
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